2014年4月6日 星期日

矯正牙齒:深咬問題矯正與下顏面咬和高度 Deep Bite & Occlusal Height

深咬 (Deep bite) 指的是上排前牙過度覆蓋下排齒列,甚至可能完全覆蓋住,而造成不當的牙齒磨耗,或牙肉受到不當壓迫。這種現象常見於二級咬合。也因為咬合的不當受力,影響使用方式,長期的結果常常造成顳顎關節的不適。

Deep bite means the upper front teeth overlap the bottom front teeth. It can be complete overlapping without seeing the bottom one. This can cause improper attrition of teeth or impingement of gum tissue. More severely, in the long term situation, it might cause temporary-mandibular joint problem.


Our orthodontic treatment is not only aligning teeth or straightening teeth. We more emphasize the best dentition position corresponding to the crania-facial structure, which is more interesting than conventional orthodontic treatment. I believe this will make our patients feel more confident of their result. 


Deep bite problem actually is often accompanied with orthodontic treatment traps because the doctors might think extraction can easily resolve those problem. However, the significant factor of deciding extraction or not is the face and associated smile. For example, the following patient has relatively nice chin profile and nose profile, I decided to move the upper teeth upward and backward; the lower teeth downward and corrected the midline problem, instead of taking our any tooth. The final result turns out greatly.


