Welcome to Higher Standard!




CLY Orthodontic Studio, Taipei, Taiwan

Welcome to "higher" standard orthodontic world! We try our best to offer you the best braces service in Taiwan. We are dedicated to advanced technology and professional technique to improve all the facial esthetics. Hope all the patients can gain the latest news and service from us.

2023年5月24日 星期三

齒顎矯正專科|骨性暴牙與露牙齦與的頂級矯正治療 Gummy Smile/Bimaxillary Protrusion Correction


    “We don't want the orthodontic treatment is for aligning teeth only. We always think about this way: what would it be after 2 year, 5 year or even 10 year? What would be the role of the treatment result?”

    "We hope the patients are confident and grateful. We pursue the excellence of details, and this is the respect of nature. So, it is possible to become timeless."

    這位是我的朋友病人,她在做矯正前, 主要是不喜歡自己笑起來『會露牙齦』, 還有『上下顎骨覺得太突出』。


    她告訴我: 『改善外觀和笑容』是她想做矯正的最重要因素,她也無法接受全身麻醉的外科手術治療。所以還是決定利用單純的『非手術矯正』來解決她的問題。

    我想對於顎骨或齒列造成的過度突兀和露牙齦問題,對臨床治療而言常常須要拔牙治療來創造空間,也需要借助自己的骨骼作為錨定來把牙齒坐較遠距離的移動。(Skeletal Anchorage 骨性錨定即不是利用牙齒之間的互相拉動來將拔牙空間關閉,而是藉由本身顎骨上方的矯正裝置來拉動需要移動的牙齒)

  This is my so-called patient friend, Vivian. She complained of protrusive face and smile with unpleasant appearance.  After the full orthodontic and dental check-up. I noticed she is a bimaxillary protrusion with gummy smile patient. This is very common in the Asian society. Therefore, I explain the possible treatment plan for her and deicide to take out 4 bicuspids in order to improve her facial profile.
However, the missing lower one incisor would definitely make my treatment result not perfect. But, she expressed the best thing for her braces done is the facial smile and the pleasant appearance.  I've done my best to make her orthodontic second to none!!!

Dr. Chin-Liang Yeh, DDS, MS
Limited to Orthodontics, Taipei, Taiwan

3 則留言:

LaHi~Mia 提到...
mia.W 提到...

葉醫生,我小時候已有做過暴牙矯正,拔掉了4顆牙.但是當時並沒有處理我牙齦暴和深咬問題,加上大概因為牙齦暴所以牙齒也有點內凹,不是那種垂直,現在我想再做二次矯正,徹底解決我每次笑露出大片牙齦的困擾,但很大的問題是,我住美國邁阿密,如果我回台灣(會選回台灣做主要也是因為怕語言溝通有落差,加上白人跟東方人審美觀不同),最短最短要待多久才會有效果呢?暫定12月或是1月會回台灣三個月,時間還可以再彈性調整 或是您有推薦的美國醫師?謝謝!

CLY Orthodontic Studio 提到...

Dear mia.W:
很高興收到您的留言,請您email 我,以方便後續約診及諮詢,謝謝您。