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2010年12月24日 星期五

近代矯正學教育的實現家 Who is who in the US Orthodontic History? -Allan G. Brodie

    Dr. Edward H. Ange (左), Dr. Allen G. Brodie (右)

        回顧齒顎矯正歷史,,牙醫學上齒顎矯正科為第一個成立的專科醫師, 已歷經100年以上。 然而在一開始, 齒顎矯正教育並無如現在的研究所大學等專門訓練機構, 讓牙醫師們可以進修。

    Dr. Edward H. Angle 為推廣齒顎矯正治療, 如中國的孔子般教育無數,終期一生貢獻齊心力於齒顎矯正學。 因此,公認為『齒顎矯正學之父』。
    Dr. Angle 發明數十種矯正專利裝置, 其中最廣為人所知的為 Edgewise系統, 數十年如一日, 當代的矯正裝置系統絕大多數, 如Self-Ligating Bracket, 仍以其為主要設計理念。

    Dr.Allan G. Brodie為學習齒顎矯正,  如當時其他牙醫師般, 必須遠赴西岸 Pasadena, California拜師Dr. Angle其下。 Dr. Brodie 事實上為 Dr. Angle 晚年的最後一班學生, 並尊其為 “foster parents”, 和其他同門師兄弟不同的是,大多數的學生即便學習過了 Dr. Angle的矯正學,卻無法得到如現在研究所班的學分 (Crdedits),所以猶如自己上補習班ㄧ般,很難得到ㄧ般普羅大眾的推崇。

    所以,Dr.  Brodie 決定成立學校,傳承Dr. Angle的教育理念,於1929年受芝加哥伊利諾大學校長之邀(University of Illinois at Chicago), 將齒顎矯正學帶入另一個至善境界! 將Dr. Angle的思想教育帶入有系統和受到認可的環境中的大學研究所中孕育, 並傳播到全世界! Dr. Brodie 創立美國第一個矯正專科研究所於1929年,並執掌齒顎矯正科近40年至1966年。期間,全美矯正研究所,有近半矯正科主任都為該學生,並於其他地方繼續傳承教育。 

    此段歷史至今仍為芝加哥伊利諾大學矯正科學生引以為榮,並讓從此地畢業的學生謹記矯正科專科醫師應肩負的醫療使命"不忘創新", 必須具備"專科素養"並以“提升齒顎矯正醫療與教育" 為使命! 

    Dr. Brodie 教育美國近代無數矯正專科專科醫師與教育人才, 並設Prize Essay Award於美國齒顎矯正學會支助矯正學研究, 堪稱當代齒顎矯正學教育的實現家。

Dr. Allan Gibson Brodie (October 31, 1897, in New York City - January 2, 1976) was an American dentist and orthodonist.
An orthodontics teacher, writer, and researcher, Dr. Brodie served in a variety of professional positions, such as President of the Chicago Association of Orthodontics, served on advisory boards, achieved a number of professional awards, and was a member of the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), where he established the Prize Essay Award to promote research.
After earning his DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery) degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1919, he began practicing dentistry in Newark, NJ, the next year. Dr. Brodie studied under Edward Angle, the “father of orthodontics,” at the Angle School of Orthodontics in Pasadena, California, in 1925 and 1926, and matriculated in the school’s final graduating class. Dr. Brodie, in turn, often referred to the Angles as his foster parents[citation needed].
In 1923, he married Vera Elizabeth Smock. They had three children: Allan Jr., Donald, and Anna (Olson).
Brodie returned to practice in Newark, but in 1929 he was invited by Dean Frederick Bogue Noyes came to the University of Illinois College of Dentistryto organize its Department of Orthodontics—one of the first graduate orthodontics departments established in the United States. The Journal of the Charles H. Tweed International Foundation called Dr. Noyes’ hiring of Dr. Brodie the beginning of “the golden age of orthodontics,” and considered the department under Dr. Brodie “the West Point of orthodontics.” The Journal also noted that the establishment of the Department of Orthodontics at the University of Illinois College of Dentistry “marked the fulfillment of Dr. Angle’s lifelong ambition—to provide a broader and more scientific foundation for the practitioners of his specialty.” Dr. Brodie ran the department until 1966, and was Dean of the College from 1944 to 1956, while also maintaining a private practice.
Dr. Brodie received his MS (Master of Science) degree in anatomy and histology from the University in 1934, and his PhD in anatomy in 1940.
At the time of his death on Jan. 2, 1976, Dr. Brodie was writing his own book on orthodontics. In 2004, The Dentofacial Complex (UIC College of Dentistry Press) was published after being completed by alumni, faculty, and staff of the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry.
