“Exceptional Orthodontic Results” 齊杏齒顎矯正專科
Making the perfect smile and facial profile requires rewriting the knowledge of braces. Dr. Yeh consistently strive to push the limit of himself of what is technically possible. The results are magnificent with flawless occlusion and even better looking faces.
“ We chase logic from the beauty. So, we can create elegant and natural curvature and results of the face and dentition. We focus on the facial changes from the orthodontic treatment alone. It's a process of magnification. Its effects are far from what the straight dentition can provide." -Dr. CLY
『前牙牙冠的理想扭矩控制 torque control,產生了牙根往內的適度後移,掩飾了原本沒有精神的表情。藉由牙齒空間的大範圍移動,雙唇改變了鼻與下巴的距離,讓臉部表情更顯氣質。』